Some Stones Are Living
Surfers @ St. Peter’s Church - Jaffa, Israel
Across the Middle East…yet especially in the Holy Land there are famous stones …they are everywhere! Both natural and hewn that we tend to see through historical, archeological, and biblical lenses.
There have been walls, streets, cities and places of sacrifice, both Godly and pagan built from stone by many cultures, over many centuries.
People travel from all over the world to connect to the story, the past, and even the stones themselves. Yet, now the metaphor of stones takes on a contemporary meaning: some stones are living.
Jesus was written about (by his close friend and follower Peter) metaphorically and theologically as a rejected "Living Stone" and the "Cornerstone" for a new covenant. Peter also shared that the work that Christ came to accomplish would progress by the hands and feet of His followers—who are also called "living stones!"
"As you come to him, The Living Stone (Jesus)—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." - St. Peter
So, today in the Holy Land the Living Stones presently keep Jesus' mission and message alive in their region. The Living Stones are "Plan A"—there is no "Plan B."
They do the work that Jesus began and faithfully pass it to the next generation. Some communities even trace their heritage to Pentecost! But they have also struggled, for various reasons, and over the last 100 years the Christian population is down from 20% to less than 2%.
Sadly, most Americans do not have the opportunity to meet, or learn from, the wide variety of Christians who live and serve in this ancient, complex, and important region of the world. Even people who have traveled and studied in this region may not have met or know local Christians.
In fact, it is quite surprising how little the global Christian community truly knows about their Holy Land brothers and sisters! This is unfortunate for everyone—for many reasons.
The team at Living Stones Today invests time and resources to create a bridge that relationally connects Holy Land and American "Living Stones." We desire to see all Christians flourish and fulfill Jesus' mission for the sake of their neighbor. So, let's not forget the Christians who live in the region where Jesus walked and His Church was born.
The Holy Land's Living Stones have important work, service and ministry to do in His name here and now... and also they offer the global Christian community friendship, valuable input and leadership.
Look for opportunities to be involved.
Enjoy this short video…