About Us

Since 2013, we build friendships with Christians who live across the ancient lands of the Bible; we create connective and educational opportunities for Americans to join us; we selectively promote and engage with their local projects, ministries, churches and businesses.

  • We work to improve relationships between all Christians in order to strengthen the global Church, advance the Gospel and promote Jesus’ teachings as valuable to Life.

    • We are longtime friends with the broad local Christian community; meaning all Christian streams, heritages, generations and ethnic backgrounds.

    • We respect, love and care deeply for all people; regardless if they hold a personal Christian faith.

    • We reflect this in our genuine friendships and sincere respect for Jewish, Muslim and Secular persons…as all of us are formed by the same Creator.

  • 1. People Hebrews 13:1-3

    2. Freedom Psalm 119:45

    3. Commonality Acts 17:26-28

    4. Not Creating Burdens 2 Thess. 3:8

    5. Love and Respect James 2:8-9

    6. Unity in Christ John 17:20-23

    7. Friendship and Serving 1 Thess. 2:8

    8. Personal Experience I John 1:1

    9. Fun, Joy and Laughter Psalm 126:2

    10. Cultural Diversity Psalm 67

  • Jesus is who he said he was, demonstrated throughout his life and confirmed in his death, burial and resurrection…the Promised Messiah. John 4:25-26

  • In some modern countries that are located in the ancient lands of the Bible it is very difficult to be a Christian.

    In some locations it is even risky and dangerous to hold Christian heritage, personally identify or publicly place your faith in Jesus.

    In the core of the Holy Land region Christians average 2% or less of the population.

  • We have helped Americans explore, learn about and connect with Christians (aka Living Stones) across the Holy Land and the greater Levant, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean region.

  • We seek to share the history, local state of affairs, global significance and connect opportunities to learn and partner with Living Stones across the region.

    We especially seek to connect in mutual respect and friendship to the local Living Stones….their vibrancy, diversity, struggles, resiliency and wisdom.

    We also seek to create better “windows” and learning opportunities for American Christians to benefit from seeing this part of the world in both a historic and modern human context.

  • We are a US-based Christian educational nonprofit.

    All our projects, staff, volunteers and operational expenses are funded by American donations, grants and fees from our group tour revenue.

    There are no formal affiliations with denominations, organizations, ministries, government agencies, businesses, or NGOs.

    Financial gifts help us create additional educational content, sustain regional projects and help with our operational/staff expenses.

    Partner with us to create more opportunities for Holy Land and American Christians to meet, learn, partner and locally flourish.

    Link to our secure online giving portal

We are intentional about connecting all people to Life.

The Apostle Peter began to speak, “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.”

-Read more for yourself the full account of the unlikely conversation of Peter speaking with Cornelius, a devout Roman centurion in Acts 10

“Some Stones are Living” a 98 second video.